Below is the Alcohol Policy as stated in the University Housing Guidelines.
Students, not the University or its staff, are accountable for the outcome of all issues related to the legal, illegal, or irresponsible use of alcohol. Further information can be found in the Student Code of Conduct.
In the State of Michigan, the legal age for drinking alcohol is 21. Consumption, possession or purchase of alcoholic beverages by those without proof of legal drinking age is a violation of University policy and state law. Furthermore, buying alcohol for a minor is subject to a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Campus Safety Officers, University Housing staff, and other University Officials reserve the right to require disposal of any alcoholic beverages, whether open or not, from any individual found in violation of the alcohol policy; and to refuse access to the residence halls if a person appears as a threat to the residence community.
Residents and guests of legal drinking age may not possess or consume alcoholic beverages with individuals under 21 present. No individual may give, or provide alcoholic beverages to anyone under the legal drinking age. Alcohol is not permitted in East Hall. Additionally, anyone under the legal drinking age may not possess empty alcoholic containers/paraphernalia.
Residents who are of legal drinking age may consume alcohol in their room or another resident's room who is 21 or older; the door must be closed and underage persons cannot be present. Residents of legal drinking age residing in a room where residents are below legal drinking age must store any alcohol, a) in their bedroom if they are in apartment style living, or b) in no shared space (i.e., refrigerator) in a community style building. All residents in a room where residents are either all of age or in a mixed age room are required to post their signed Alcohol and Roommate Policy contract on the back of their entry door. Consumption of alcohol is not permitted in common areas or other public areas surrounding the residence hall. Of age residents are expected to consume alcohol in a responsible and safe manner. Alcohol may not be provided to a visibly intoxicated person.
All alcohol-related paraphernalia and activities that promote the excessive consumption of alcohol are prohibited. These items include without limitation: kegs, alcohol ice luge sculptures or molds, beer bongs, and drinking funnels. Drinking games, even if consuming water, are prohibited in housing unless it is an approved event. A table portraying the game of beer pong that has not been approved will immediately be removed from the room.
Items may be confiscated by University Housing staff or Campus Safety. It will be up to the discretion of University Housing to determine if the items are returned to the original owner.
Public intoxication, disorderly conduct or vandalism resulting from the consumption of alcohol will be assumed to be intentional and will result in disciplinary action, even if consumption occurred at a location other than the residence halls.
Those present in a room where the alcohol policy has been violated (even if not personally violating University policy or state laws) will be subject to disciplinary action up to termination from housing or removal from the University, as well as referral to an appropriate government authority.